Sunday, August 21, 2011

Links and Differences

In my article of the law of three stages I have mentioned that the organic and the critical phases are those through which society pass in every stage alternatively discerning from the view that they are subordinate to the Metaphysical stage. Organic stages is the one in which the body social is said to be in equilibrium or simply put is stable and critical phase is one in which the body social is in a fundamental disequilibrium. The critical phase lasts for a few decades. It is the most turbulent transitional phase of the society. During this phase a new social order emerges from the death throes of the old social order.
The study of social statics and dynamics is considered to be the one that studies the progress and stability of the society. Now the confusion arises that if both the studies do the same task then why they are named different. As Lewis A. Coser puts it, “Comte attempted to formulate the conditions that account for social stability at any given historical moment. The study of social dynamics and social statics – of progress and order, of change and stability – are the twin pillars of his system.” It simply means that the study of social statics and dynamics is subordinate to the organic phase of the society considering it to be described as a phase of stability.
Social statics and dynamics are considered two separate studies. As one is the study of conditions and pre-conditions of social order and other is the study of human progress and evolution. It is essential to understand that both the disciplines go hand in hand. The study of social dynamics is of evolution or progress which as we know is a slow and steady process unlike the revolutions of critical phase. With the attributes of being slow and steady this study can only fit into the organic phase. The study of social statics is that of order which is in abundance in the organic phase.